
The Bravest Guy

A True Story of Overcoming Seemingly Impossible Odds

The Bravest Guy at 99

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Tomorrow, July 5th, The Bravest Guy, my dad Don Wedewer, would have turned 99. Wow, hard to think of dad at that age. In his humble, nothing special about me​ way, he would be reluctant for me to write this post. But dad, here it is.

Dad’s example of public service is ​timeless. Whether it was to help save the world from an incomprehensible tyranny soaked in violence, or, to make the lives of those marginalized just a little bit better, he was in it for all the right reasons. Selfless, unrelenting care for those he served—whether he knew them well or not.

It’s unlikely that Don Wedewer will ever be a well known name. No matter. It’s his legacy and contributions to those he served that matters most. That’s the way he would have wanted it.

​Best regards on this Fourth of July.

Harry E. Wedewer